HTML Tags And HTML Elements



Since HTML defines the markup for a particular web page, you'll want the text, images, or other embeds to appear in certain ways.

For example, you might want some text to be big, other text to be small, and some to be bold, italic, or in bullet point form.

HTML has "tags" that let you get this done. So, there are tags to create headings, paragraphs, bolded words, italicized words, and more.

The image below describes the anatomy of an HTML tag:

HTML Elements


An element consists of the opening tag, a character, the content, and a closing tag. Some elements are empty – that is, they don't have a closing tag but instead have a source or link to content that you want to embed on the web page.

An example of an empty element is <img>, which you use to embed images on a web page.

HTML elements are often used interchangeably with tags, but there's a small difference between the two. An element is a combination of the opening and closing tag, and then the content between them.

I made another image to help you visualize the anatomy of an HTML element:

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