Assaiment unit 1 and 2

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1  What is URL? Explain the structure of URL in brief.  

2  Elaborate the Internet Service Provider (ISP) in details. 3 State the difference between Intranet, Internet & Extranet.  

4      Describe the HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Problem) in brief.  

5      Write a short note on WWW (World wide web).  

6      Explain the working mechanism of Search Engine in brief.  

7      Elaborate the Web Browser and Web Server in details.  

8      State the difference between Static & Dynamic Websites.  

9      Explain the Types of Websites in brief.  

10  Discuss the Web Designing Principles in brief.  

11  Explain the basic HTML web page structure in details.  

12  Describe the HTML concepts with its features.  

13  Discuss the Text formatting Tags with Example.  

14  Explain the Element of List Tag in details with example.  

15  Elaborate the Image Tag in details with example.  

16  State the importance of Hyper Links with example.  

17  Discuss the Table tag with its all elements and example.  

18  State the difference between Block and Inline element with its example.

19  Writes a HTML code for the creation of Student registration form.  

20  Explain any ten Semantic Tags in HTML 5 with syntax.

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